SQL Backup 5   

Security Model

See Also

To use the SQL Backup graphical user interface or extended stored procedure to perform backup and restore operations, the startup user for the SQL Backup Agent Service application must be a member of the SQL Server sysadmin fixed server role. If you are working with network files (for example, for log shipping), the user must have access to those network shares (for more information, see Using Network Shares with SQL Backup). In addition, the SQL Backup user must have:

When you install the server components, you are asked to provide 'log on' details for the SQL Backup Agent Service to connect to the SQL Server. By default, the SQL Backup Agent Service connects to the SQL Server instance using Windows authentication. If you want to change the credentials, use the sqbsetlogin extended stored procedure to provide the login name and password. You will need to add the stored procedure before you use it, and you are recommended to remove it when you have finished using it. For example:

sp_addextendedproc sqbsetlogin, 'xp_sqlbackup.dll'
sqbsetlogin 'sa', 'sqbpassword'
sp_dropextendedproc sqbsetlogin

To revert to Windows authentication, call sqbsetlogin with blank values:

sqbsetlogin '', ''

If you encounter errors related to permissions and access rights, ensure that the startup user for SQL Backup Agent Service application has been granted the necessary permissions.

The SQL Backup command line program communicates with SQL Server directly; it does not use the service application. To run SQLBackupC.exe, the user must have the SQL Server sysadmin fixed role.




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