SQL Backup 5.3   

The Schedule Editor

See Also

SQL Backup provides wizards to guide you through the process of setting up SQL Server Agent jobs using SQL Backup to perform the backup or restore operations for scheduling regular backups, and for log shipping.

In these wizards, you use Schedule Editor to set up the required job schedules.

To set up a schedule, choose the type of schedule you want to set up from Schedule type. Select:

As you enter the schedule details, a summary of the schedule is displayed at the top of the dialog box.


  1. Under Frequency, in Occurs select the frequency with which you want the backups to be performed.
    • For Daily backups, type or select the frequency (for example, enter 2 to back up every other day, or 3 to back up on every third day).
    • For Weekly backups, type or select the frequency, and then select the check boxes for the days on which you want the backups to be performed.

      For example, to back up every fourth week on a Sunday, enter 4 and select the Sun check box.

    • For Monthly backups, type or select the date and frequency of the monthly backups.

      For example, to back up on the 10th day of every other month, click Day, and enter 10 and 2 respectively.

  2. Specify the frequency at which the backup is to be processed on the days you specified above.
    • To back up the databases once only on the specified days, select Occurs once at and type or select the time.
    • To back up the databases more than once on the specified days, select Occurs every and specify the frequency, and the start and end times.
  3. Under Duration, type or select the Start date for the job schedule.
  4. Select End date and type or select the date on which you want the job schedule to end, or select No end date if you want the job schedule to run indefinitely.
  5. Click OK to close the Schedule Editor and return to the wizard.




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