See Also

RedGate.SQLCompare.Engine Assembly

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RedGate.SQLCompare.Engine Namespace

Inheritance Hierarchy


AsymmetricKey An asymmetric key.
AsymmetricKeys A collection of asymmetric keys.
Certificate A certificate.
Certificates A collection of certificates.
CheckConstraint A check constraint.
CheckConstraints A collection of check constraints.
ClrAssemblies A collection of Common Language Runtime (CLR) assemblies.
ClrAssembly A Common Language Runtime (CLR) assembly.
ClrFile A Common Language Runtime (CLR) file.
ClrFiles A collection of CLR files.
ConnectionProperties The connection properties used to connect to a SQL Server database.
Contract A contract.
Contracts A collection of contracts.
Database A SQL Server database.
Database.EventLogFullException This exception is used when debugging is enabled and the event log is full.
DatabaseLevelPermission A database-level permission.
DatabaseLevelPermissions A collection of database-level permissions.
DdlTrigger A DDL trigger.
DdlTriggers A collection of DDL triggers.
Default A database default.
Defaults A collection of defaults.
Difference A difference between two database objects.
Differences A collection of differences representing the differences between two databases.
EventNotification An event notification.
EventNotifications A collection of event notifications.
EventTypes A collection of EventTypes.
ExtendedProperties The extended properties associated with a database object.
ExtendedProperty An extended property.
Field A SQL Server field.
Fields A collection of fields.
FileGroup A filegroup.
FileGroups A collection of filegroups.
ForeignKey A foreign key.
ForeignKeys A collection of foreign keys.
FullTextCatalog A full text catalog.
FullTextCatalogs A collection of full text catalogs.
Function A user-defined function.
Functions A collection of functions.
Index An index.
Indexes A collection of indexes.
InternalCollectionBase A base type for collections used by SQL Compare.
InvalidSnapshotFileException An exception thrown when a snapshot is invalid.
LiveDatabaseSource A standard SQL Server database.
Mapping Abstract class used to contain a mapping.
MappingException Exception thrown when an error is encountered whilst generating SQL.
Mappings Abstract class for creating a set of mappings from a list of database objects.
Members A collection of role members. These can be users or roles.
Message A message.
Message.SeverityComparer A comparer implementation for sorting messages based on their priorities. It first compares the severity, then the name of the dependent object, then the warning key.
Messages A collection of messages.
MessageType A message type.
MessageTypes A collection of message types.
MessageUsage A message usage.
MessageUsages A collection of message usages.
ObjectNotInDatabaseException An exception that is used when a database object that is not in the database is requested.
ObjectNotInDifferences Exception that is used when a database object that is not in the differences collection is requested.
OptionDescriptionAttribute Options used in comparison and synchronization.
Parameter A SQL Server parameter.
Parameters A collection of parameters.
PartitionFunction A partition function.
PartitionFunctions A collection of partition functions.
PartitionScheme A partition scheme.
PartitionSchemes A collection of partition schemes.
Permission A permission.
Permissions A collection of permissions.
Project A SQL Compare project.
ProjectComparer Compares two projects.
Queue A queue.
Queues A collection of queues.
Region A region of text.
Regions A collection of regions.
Role A role.
Roles A collection of roles.
Route A route.
Routes A collection of routes.
Rule A rule.
Rules A collection of rules.
Schema A schema.
SchemaObject A schema object.
Schemas A collection of schemas.
Generic SerializableCollection A collection that can be serialized to disk.
Service A service.
ServiceBinding A service binding.
ServiceBindings A collection of service bindings.
Services A collection of services.
SnapshotSource A SQL Server database encapsulated within a snapshot.
SqlCompareException This exception is used as the general exception for SQL Compare.
SqlCompareOwnerMapping Contains a mapping between the schema or owners in the different databases.
SqlCompareOwnerMappings Holds mappings for the schema or owners between the two databases. Uses the database objects to create the mappings for the views and the tables from the two databases.
SqlSetOptions SQL set options.
StoredProcedure A stored procedure.
StoredProcedures A collection of stored procedures.
SymmetricKey A symmetric key.
SymmetricKeys A collection of symmetric keys.
Synonym A synonym.
Synonyms A collection of synonyms.
Table A table.
Tables A collection of tables.
Trigger A trigger.
Triggers A collection of triggers.
User A user.
UserDefinedType A user-defined type.
UserDefinedTypes A collection of user-defined types.
Users A collection of users.
View A view.
Views A collection of views.
ViewTableSuperClass A view or table superclass.
Work Used to calculate the work to be done to synchronize databases.
XmlSchemaCollection An XML schema collection.
XmlSchemaCollections A collection of XML schema collections.


IDatabaseObject An interface implemented by database objects.
IDatabaseObjects A collection of database objects.
IExecuteAs Used by database objects that can be executed as a specific user. This is used only for SQL Server 2005.
IHasAuthorization Marks objects that have authorization instead of owner.
IHasPermissions The database object may have permissions associated with it.
IIsSystemObject Indicates that an object instance is a system object when implemented by a class.


AsymmetricKey.AsymmetricKeyEncryptionAlgorithm The asymmetric key encryption algorithm.
AsymmetricKey.AsymmetricKeyKeyEncryption How the private key of the asymmetric key is encrypted.
Certificate.CertificateKeyEncryption How the private key of the certificate is encrypted.
DatabaseLevelPermissionAction The database-level permission.
DifferenceType The type of difference.
EventType The type of event.
FunctionType The type of function.
InvalidSnapshotType InvalidSnapshotType
MessageTypeValidation The validation type for a message type.
ObjectType The type of database object.
Options Options used when comparing and synchronizing databases.
PermissionAction The action that a permission allows.
PermissionClass The class on which the permission exists.
PermissionSet The code access permissions for CLR assemblies.
PermissionType The type of permission.
ReferentialAction Referential actions the foreign keys.
SchemaObjectMappingStatus The result of the mapping.
SqlType A SQL Server data type.
SymmetricKey.SymmetricKeyEncryptionAlgorithm The symmetric key encryption algorithm.
SynchronizationDirection The direction of migration for synchronization.
UserType The type of user.
WarningSeverity Warning severity.
XmlIndexType The type of XML index.


OwnerPairReference An OwnerPairReference


PrepareStringDelegate Creates the name used for comparing two objects when using the CreateMappings method.

See Also

RedGate.SQLCompare.Engine Assembly



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