See Also

RedGate.SQL.Shared Assembly

See Also RedGate.SQL.Shared Send comments on this topic.

RedGate.SQL.Shared Namespace

Inheritance Hierarchy


Batch A batch of SQL statements.
BlockExecutor Runs the SQL code in the ExecutionBlock on the SQL Server. This action can be cancelled.
BlockSaver Saves BlockExecutors using ICancellable. This class writes the contents of an Execution block to disk. The caller can specify the file name and the type of encoding.
DataSource An abstract class for containing data source properties.
DiffHelper A helper class used to generate side-by-side string comparisons
DiffHelper.ComparisonString A class representing a comparison between two single-line strings
DiffHelper.ComparisonStrings A collection of single-line strings
Encryption This class allows the caller to encrypt and decrypt the data...
ExceptionLogger this is the exception logger.... It will by default not log anything to disk... However if you define the file default.ini in the "temp\Red Gate\Exception" folder [default] value=1 then you can turn on exception logging to different levels..... 1=basic (less than 2K) 2=include version info (around 50K) 3=all available information 4=include all thread stack information (needs support information from outside) 5=include minidump file....(as above)
ExecutionBlock A series of SQL batches to be executed.
Line Represents a line of SQL
MirrorFile Summary description for MirrorFile. This is used when saving files. This class Mirrors the file and then only deletes the file once it has finished being written to. The current limitation is that the backup file will not contain the same security information as the original.... (it will keep the same attributes and the same summary information)
OperationCancelledException An exception thrown when an operation is cancelled.
ProgressHelpEventArgs Summary description for ProgressHelpEventArgs.
ProgressPercentageTracker A helper class for keeping track of the percentage change for StatusEventArgs. The class can also fire off the events.
ProgressTask This class encapsulates a task. It contains a small ammount of UI information plus a cancellable method .... This class is Cancellable because sub-items are run within this class structure. All intermethod calls are passed between the submethod and the parent dialog box
ProgressTasks A Collections of ProgressTasks
ResolutionEventHandlerArgs The event handler args can be handled through events. This is the paramey
SerialializationException Base exception for Serialization Errors.
SerialializationInvalidFileException Serialization error caused by incorrectly formatted file.
SerialializationInvalidFileTypeException Serialization error caused by an unexpected TypeName in the file.
SerialializationInvalidTypeException The type is not supported by the IRedGateSerializable interface.
SerialializationInvalidVersionException Serialization error caused by attempting to deserialize a file for which the serialization version is later than your SQL Toolkit version.
SerialializationNotSupportedException The class does not support the IRedGateSerializable interface.
SerialializationParameterConversionException Serialization error caused by an error raised when converting a parameter. This could be because the serialized file has been edited manually.
SerialializationParameterEmptyException Serialization error caused by an empty parameter.
SerialializationParameterMissingException Serialization error caused by a missing parameter.
ServerVersion Basic SqlServer version encapsulation. Do not modify this code as it's compatable with .NET 2
SQLDatabase A simple encapsulation of a SQL Database
SQLDatabases A collection of databases
SQLServer Summary description for SqlServer.
SQLServerDatabaseVersion RedGate encapsulation of SQLVersion and compatablity mode.
SQLServerInstances Get a list of SQL server Instances from the network.
SQLServerVersion RedGate encapsualtion of SQL Server instance...
StatusEventArgs Arguments used in status events.
TempFile Summary description for TempFile.
TempFiles A collection of Red Gate Temporary files. The temp files are deleted when this object is Disposed. This class is thread safe.
Utils An obsolete set of utilities class containing methods used in both SQL Compare and SQL Data Compare
WorkerThreadExceptionEventArgs Event args that are thrown when worker thread throws an exception
WorkerThreadFinishedEventArgs These are the event args to indicate how the task has completed....
XMLSerializeFormatter Summary description for XMLSerializeFormatter.


ICancellable An interface for objects with operations that can be cancelled
IProgressTaskExecutor Defines the interface that is used by code implementations of the "Progress Dialog" box
IRedGateSerializable This is the interface that is added to objects that you wish to serialize....
ISerializeTypeBinder This is the Interface that defines TypeBinder. It is used to link Types to names. Each type/name pair is added into the repository This then allows quick look up between type and name string. This is used in serialization to convert from Types into names in deserialization to convert from name into Types


EncodingType The Unicode types for SaveToFile.
PROGRESS_TASK_ITEM Specifies the state of the task.
ProgressExecResult Return result from executation
ProgressExecState Return result from executation
SQLDatabaseStatus Definition of the state of a SQL Database
SQLServer.SQLVersion Enumeration of SQL Server versions.


StatusEventHandler The delegate for status events.

See Also

RedGate.SQL.Shared Assembly



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