Wrapper class for a byte array.

Namespace:  RedGate.SQLDataCompare.Engine
Assembly:  RedGate.SQLDataCompare.Engine (in RedGate.SQLDataCompare.Engine.dll)


Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Class Blob _
	Implements IComparable, IDisposable
public class Blob : IComparable, IDisposable
Visual C++
public ref class Blob : IComparable, IDisposable


The Blob object is used internally by SQL Data Compare to represent a byte array. Use the ByteArray property to access the underlying data.


C# Copy Code
            using System;
            using RedGate.SQLCompare.Engine;
            using RedGate.SQLDataCompare.Engine;
            using RedGate.SQLDataCompare.Engine.ResultsStore;
            namespace SQLDataCompareCodeSnippets
                public class BlobExample
                    public void RunExample()
                        Database db1=new Database();
                        Database db2=new Database();
                        // Register the databases
                        db1.RegisterForDataCompare(new ConnectionProperties(".", "WidgetDev"));
                        db2.RegisterForDataCompare(new ConnectionProperties(".", "WidgetLive"));
                        using (ComparisonSession session = new ComparisonSession())
                            // Create the schema mappings used to compare the database
                            SchemaMappings mappings = new SchemaMappings();
                            mappings.CreateMappings(db1, db2);
                            session.CompareDatabases(db1, db2, mappings);
                            // Get the reader for the different rows in the results
                            Reader different=session.TableDifferences["[dbo].[WidgetDescriptions]"].ResultsStore.GetReader(Row.RowType.Different);
                            // get the first row in the ResultsStore Reader for the different rows.
                            Row currentRow=different.GetRow(0);
                            //field1 and field2 contain the position of the two BLOBs in the ResultsStore
                            int field1 = different.Fields["Picture"].OrdinalInResults1;
                            int field2 = different.Fields["Picture"].OrdinalInResults2;
                            Blob blob1=(Blob)currentRow.Values[field1];
                            Blob blob2=(Blob)currentRow.Values[field2];
                            // Output the first 20 bytes
                            for (int i=0; i<20; i++)
                                Console.Write("{0:X} ", blob1.ByteArray[i]);
                            // Output the first 20 bytes
                            for (int i=0; i<20; i++)
                                Console.Write("{0:X} ", blob2.ByteArray[i]);
Visual Basic Copy Code
            Option Explicit On 
            Imports RedGate.SQLCompare.Engine
            Imports RedGate.SQLDataCompare.Engine
            Imports RedGate.SQLDataCompare.Engine.ResultsStore
            Class BlobExample
                Sub RunExample()
                    Dim session As New ComparisonSession
                    'register the databases for comparison
                    Dim db1 As New Database
                    Dim db2 As New Database
                    db1.RegisterForDataCompare(New ConnectionProperties(".", "WidgetDev"))
                    db2.RegisterForDataCompare(New ConnectionProperties(".", "WidgetLive"))
                    'create the schema mappings used to compare the database
                    Dim mappings As New SchemaMappings
                    mappings.CreateMappings(db1, db2)
                    'compare the databases
                    session.CompareDatabases(db1, db2, mappings)
                    Dim different As Reader = session.TableDifferences("[dbo].[WidgetDescriptions]").ResultsStore.GetReader(Row.RowType.Different)
                    'work out the two positions in the fields
                    Dim field1 As Integer = different.Fields("Picture").OrdinalInResults1
                    Dim field2 As Integer = different.Fields("Picture").OrdinalInResults2
                    'get the first row in the ResultsStore
                    Dim currentRow As Row = different.GetRow(0)
                    'field1 and field2 contain the position of the two BLOBs in the ResultsStore
                    Dim blob1 As Blob = currentRow.Values(field1)
                    Dim blob2 As Blob = currentRow.Values(field2)
                    Dim i As Integer
                    For i = 0 To 20
                        Console.Write("{0:X} ", blob1.ByteArray(i))
                    For i = 0 To 20
                        Console.Write("{0:X} ", blob2.ByteArray(i))
                    'dispose of the objects to delete temporary files
                End Sub
            End Class

Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also