SQL Prompt   

Tips and Troubleshooting

See Also

This topic provides additional information for you if you are experiencing problems with SQL Prompt.

Using SQL Prompt with large databases

If you are using SQL Prompt with databases that contain several thousand objects and you are experiencing very slow performance, you are recommended to set the SQL Prompt options as follows:


While you are typing comments, only the Snippets category is available in the candidate list.

Common table expressions

SQL Prompt does not support common table expressions.

Invalid syntax

When you type SQL statements that contain invalid syntax, SQL Prompt may be unable to parse the statement, and the candidate list may display unexpected results.

Quoted identifiers

SQL Prompt does not support quoted identifiers.

String literals

SQL Prompt does not provide completion assistance inside string literals.

Built-in functions

If you are using SQL Server 2005, the schema panel does not show object definitions for system functions.

Encrypted objects

If you are using SQL Server 2005, SQL Prompt cannot display schema information for encrypted objects. SQL Prompt will display the message Text was encrypted in the schema panel.

Stored procedures

If you are using SQL Server 2005, the schema panel does not show object definitions for system stored procedures.


If you are using SQL Server Management Studio, and you need to restore the SQL Prompt menu, run sqlwb.exe /setup at the command prompt. Note that this restores all the SQL Server Management Studio menus.




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