SQL Prompt 3.5   

Using the Candidate List

See Also

SQL Prompt provides assistance for SQL code completion with a candidate list. The candidate list displays items based on the context of what you type in your query editor. For example, when you type SELECT * FROM the candidate list displays a list of tables and views at the top of the list.

You can customize the appearance and behavior of the candidate list in your SQL Prompt options; for more information about the Options dialog box, see Options.

Some examples of how you use the candidate list are provided in Worked Examples.

Displaying the candidate list

You can display the candidate list:

To close the candidate list, press ESC.

Using categories

The candidate list displays items grouped by category. The categories are a way of filtering the candidates list so that you can find the item you require more easily. To switch between categories:

Note that if there are no candidates to display for a particular category, you cannot select that category.

The following categories are shown:

Snippets lists shortcuts for pre-defined SQL fragments or statements. If an insertion point has been defined, when you insert the snippet, SQL Prompt places the cursor at the relevant position in your query editor. For more information about snippets, see Managing Snippets.

Column picker lists column names, with associated data types and table names (or table aliases), for tables you have specified in a SELECT statement or for a table you have specified in an INSERT statement.

For details of how you select the columns, see Using the column picker.

Suggested candidates is the default category. The candidates displayed in this category depend on the context of what you type in your query editor.

The following types of candidate may be listed:

 database names

database objects (for a full list, see Object types)

 linked servers

keywords (displayed in blue or gray)

 data types

built-in functions (displayed in pink)

 join conditions


 local variables


By default, SQL Prompt lists exact matches at the top of the candidate list irrespective of their type, and the remaining candidates are grouped by type, and then sorted alphanumerically within each group; you can turn off exact matches on the Listed Candidates, Candidate Ordering options page.

Tables lists tables from the current database.

System tables are displayed if you have chosen to display system objects.

Columns lists column names, with their data types and associated table names (or table aliases). Primary key  and foreign key  columns are also shown.

Views lists views from the current database.

System views are listed if you have chosen to display system objects.

Stored procedures lists stored procedures from the current database.

System stored procedures are listed if you have chosen to display system objects.

Functions lists user-defined functions from the current database, and built-in functions.

System functions are displayed if you have chosen to display system objects.

Other candidates lists keywords, data types, and objects such as users and roles. For a full list of object types, see Object types.

Object types

You may see the following types of object listed on the Suggested candidates and Other candidates categories:





Stored Procedures

User Defined Types




Full Text Catalogs

DML Triggers


For SQL Server 2005:



Asymmetric Keys






DDL Triggers

Service Bindings

Event Notifications

Symmetric Keys

Message Types


Partition Functions

XML Schema Collections

Partition Schemes

System objects

By default, SQL Prompt does not display system objects in candidate lists. If you want to display system objects, on the Options dialog box, click the Listed Candidates tab, click the Candidate Types and Filters page, and then select the System objects check box.

Schema (owner) names

You can display schema (owner) names in the candidate list by clicking the left arrow button  in the lower left corner of the candidate list.

To hide the list of schema (owner) names, click the right arrow button 

Note that when you select a candidate, the schema (owner) name is inserted in your query editor only if Qualify object names is selected on the Inserted Candidates, Formatting options page.

Customizing the candidate list

You can resize the candidate list by dragging the resize handle  or by specifying the height and width on the Pop-up Behavior, Candidate List Size and Font options page.

You can also change the font used in the candidate list on this options page. (This also changes the font used on the schema panel.)

Moving through the list of items

You can move through the list of items in the candidate list by pressing:

Text filtering

You can filter the candidate list by typing the first few characters of a candidate. For example, typing SELECT * FROM curr displays all candidates relevant to SELECT that begin with curr.

By default, SQL Prompt lists all candidates, irrespective of case; if you want to see only those candidates that match the case of your typing, select Enable case-sensitive filtering of candidates on the Listed Candidates, Candidate Types and Filters options page.

If a category does not contain any candidates that match the filter and the current context, it is shown as unavailable. In the example shown above, there are no view or stored procedure names that begin with curr.

Cross-database queries and distributed queries using linked SQL Servers

If you are writing cross-database distributed queries and cross-database queries using different databases on the same linked SQL Server, the candidate list can display the appropriate candidates for you. You can use this feature with databases on SQL Server 7, SQL Server 2000, and SQL Server 2005.

Some examples are shown in Worked Examples.

If you do not want to use this feature, you may wish to clear this check box to improve performance and reduce memory usage.

Selecting candidates for completion

When you have located the required candidate, double-click it or press ENTER to insert it into your query editor.

You can select other completion keys to insert candidates in your query editor on the Pop-up Behavior, Completion Keys options page. For example, you can choose to press TAB, or SPACEBAR, as well as or instead of ENTER.

Using the column picker

The column picker enables you to select multiple columns for tables you have specified in a SELECT statement. The column picker also enables you to select columns for a table you have specified in an INSERT statement.

For an example of how to select columns for the column list in a SELECT statement, see Worked Examples.

Note the following:

Note that for SELECT * or SELECT table.* statements, you can replace * with all of the columns in the referenced tables, for more information see Worked Examples.

Inserted Candidates

When you select an item from the candidate list, SQL Prompt inserts the candidate according to the options you have set on the Inserted Candidates tab of the Options dialog box. For example, you can specify the case in which you want keywords to be inserted, and you can define options for INSERT statements.


While you are typing comments, only the Snippets category is available in the candidate list.

Unexpected results

The candidate list may show unexpected results in some circumstances. For example, this may occur when you type SQL statements that contain invalid syntax and SQL Prompt is unable to parse the statement.

For more information, see Troubleshooting.




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