SQL Dependency Tracker 2.4   

Filtering Object Lists


When you are presented with a list of objects, SQL Dependency Tracker provides you with a search feature so that you can filter the list. For example, the search feature is provided in the Objects in Project pane, and in the Add Objects to Project dialog box.

To use the search feature

You can then type the text that you want to search for in the box. SQL Dependency Tracker restricts the items visible in the list to those objects that contain the text.

You can use wildcard characters in the search text: use an asterisk * to indicate any number of characters, and a question mark ? to indicate a single character. If you do not use any wildcard characters, the search is performed as though you began and ended your search with an asterisk. If you type any wildcard characters explicitly, this behavior is turned off. For example:

When you have filtered an objects list, the number of objects that have been excluded from the list is displayed at the bottom of the list: x objects not displayed. Click this text to redisplay these objects.

In the Objects in Project pane, you can click a filter menu to the right of the text box to filter the list by object type. To display all objects, click All.



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