ANTS Profiler 3   

Summary Panel

See Also

When you have profiled your application, ANTS Profiler displays the results in the main window.

The Summary panel provides details about the application, the computer that was used to profile the application, and when the profiling occurred. The Summary panel also shows you which are the slowest parts of the application.

The following information is shown:

Slowest lines of code

For detailed mode only, shows the 10 slowest lines of code in the application, the name of the source file (if available), the method name, and the total time in seconds spent executing that line of code.

Click a line to display its source code in the Source code panel.

Slowest methods

Shows the 10 slowest methods in the application, the name of the source file (if available), and the time in seconds spent executing that method, excluding the time spent executing child methods.

Click a method to display its source code in the Source code panel.

Slowest methods with children

Shows the 10 slowest methods in the application, the name of the source file (if available), and the time in seconds spent executing that method, including the time spent executing child methods.

Click a method to display its source code in the Source code panel.




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